7 Reasons A Personal Trainer Will Get Better Results Over DIY
woman with personal trainer

7 Reasons A Personal Trainer Will Get Better Results Over DIY


In the information age, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to great workout videos, wellness resources and guidance on our fitness journey. Everything is at our fingertips: so why invest in a personal trainer over going it alone?

Ironically, because everything is at our fingertips these days, access is not the struggle – action is! For many of us, fitness is no longer built into our daily lives. We spend so much time in front of screens, we’ve become sedentary. Getting fit, eating well and looking after ourselves does not come as naturally as it once did. We know what’s good for us, but we don’t put that into practice.

Personal Trainers Do! Literally they do. They are action oriented. After the planning and the preparation comes the doing. And this is the true advantage of getting a personal trainer involved in your workout program. You will get it done!

Certified Personal Trainers help you achieve tangible results, especially if you’re new to physical activity or returning after a break. Personal trainers factor every aspect of your life when setting fitness goals from the physical, the psychological, and the schedule.

It’s a total transformation that provides education, encouragement, and perspective on how to create a better life. Without the excuses.

7 Reasons Why A Personal Trainer Gets Results

There is no substitute for your own personalised program created specifically by a personal trainer, for your current fitness level and the goals you wish to achieve. They have the education, experience, and resources to get real, lasting results while also ensuring safety protocols are adhered to.

1. Individualised Program

A certified personal trainer begins with a one-on-one Discovery Session to get a clear picture of your lifestyle and the changes you want to make. Through a series of tests and questionnaires, they establish fitness needs, interests, and goals. A customised workout program is designed to reach optimum results in a manageable and measurable amount of time. Progress is the great motivator.

2. Accountability Creates Consistency

Imagine if you had a dollar for every time you hit that snooze button!

You’re not alone, we’ve all given ourselves permission to start tomorrow. But that’s the problem, right? We don’t make ourselves accountable.

A professional trainer keeps us accountable by showing up. Accountability creates consistency and consistency creates results. So if you’re looking to work out regularly, without the excuses, stay consistent, and beat the boredom of working out solo, hiring a personal trainer is far more effective. PTs understand that fitness doesn’t have a deadline.

3. Efficient Effective Workouts

Personal trainers minimise wasting time on incorrect movements and maximise results, accomplishing your fitness goals in a more efficient, effective way.

They are experts at creating intense, target-specific, optimal workouts that are realistic and time-effective. You will perform only the most beneficial exercises ensuring proper technique, because none of us want to expend time and energy without getting results.

4. Expert Advice

Personal trainers educate themselves in a variety of physical, sports, and nutritional sciences. They understand the psychology and the physiology of health and fitness. They provide balance, insight, and perspective for the betterment of our lives. There is genuine dedication to implementing strategies for a thriving lifestyle.

5. Safety First, Risk Averse

One of the most common problems that occur when people start a fitness regime is they go ‘too hard too fast’ and drop out before any real results can be achieved. If you have an old injury and need to rebuild muscle or improve mobility, then a personal trainer’s experience can be invaluable to your training program so you don’t exacerbate the injury or experience more pain.

Personal trainers provide a safe work environment for your body. They communicate the proper technique and the most productive amount of reps to see maximum results, without the risk of injury. The last thing you need is a reason to stop

6. Results Driven

If you want quality, consistency, and effectiveness from your workout, a good PT will create a tailored fitness program designed for your specific goals. They will motivate you to achieve it, and modify the workout as you gain strength, conditioning, and confidence. There is no danger of plateaus, which can be really demotivating and kill your desire to exercise altogether.

And let’s be honest, very rarely will the individual push themselves to their capacity like a personal trainer will. Having a trainer assess, push and modify your program means you are making the most of your time, energy and seeing results.

7. Holistic Approach

Personal trainers are pretty good behaviourists. They’ve heard every excuse! They’ve talked us through defeatist thoughts and implemented creative strategies to motivate us. They look at us in total: physically, mentally, and emotionally, because it’s all connected and to focus on one area at the neglect of another is detrimental and unproductive. They recognise poor patterns in us that we don’t recognise ourselves.

Authentic Personal Trainers

Hiring a professional for at least some of your workouts makes more sense for most people over going it alone. By working with a professional, education, technique and motivation are part of the process. They won’t let you give up on your goals and will help achieve realistic expectations.

They are a wealth of information about your nutrition and lifestyle habits. They can provide you with the tools and resources to get fit and stay fit, which can be hard to do on your own. It’s time to take charge of your goals and book your free consultation with a professional personal trainer today!

PS: Whenever you’re ready… we have results-driven, no-nonsense programs to improve your health and fitness:

1. Join Us For Semi-Private Personal Training – Semi-private personal training is a signature service running both morning and night. What makes it our most popular service? It’s personalised, cost-effective, and gets great results. Contact us now with ‘Semi-Private Offer’ in the subject line to learn more.

2. Join Us For 1:1 Personal Training – We realise some people want to do the work on their own, we also know many of you have goals that are personal to just you and that you might want a program written specifically for you. Contact us now with ‘Personal Training Offer’ in the subject line to learn more.
