Beginners - Authentic Health Studio, Personal Training Essendon Gym

How Many Steps A Day Does It Take To Lose Weight?

mum with girl walking

This often asked question, “How many steps should I walk each day to lose weight?” has a very conventional answer if you are looking for something quick and simple. 10,000 steps. Studies have shown this is the recommended target for adults to see health benefits. However, if you want to lose weight that target will … Read more

Technique Tuesday – Counter Balance Squat

Technique Tuesday -Woman does Counter Balance Squat with trainer

Most people would be hard pressed to get through a day without performing a squat. It’s a foundational movement that we perform often before we can even walk as children. So why is it that many of us either squat poorly or avoid squatting. Movement is often a reflection of our lifestyle, when we are … Read more

Regress To Progress – Doing The Basics Well To Master The Gym.

man putting on weights on the bar

If you are in the gym, let me firstly say well done because the very fact you are in there shows you are committed to your health and fitness which is my motivation to help you make sure not only you achieve that health and fitness goal but you do it safely without increasing your … Read more

How To Get Started With Strength Training In 5 Simple Steps

woman smiling while performing a squat exercise with weight

Successful businesses have KPI’s, they plan. If you have children you know the importance of being organised. When it comes to starting out with any form of training it’s important we take this same approach if we want to stay healthy and achieve great results. Strength training is an important component to every person’s exercise … Read more

5 Exercises To Assist In Releasing Tight Muscles.

When it comes to looking after our body their are many different approaches people take but one that is commonly avoided is stretching. While there is science to support that stretching can be detrimental before working out we are firm believers that stretching muscles post workout is extremely beneficial especially as we age. Pre workout … Read more

Movement Monday – Lat Pulldown

This week for ‘Movement Monday’ Authentic Health Coach Madeleine breaks down one of the more common movements in the gym the Lat Pulldown. What Are Our Lats & Why Should We Strengthen Them? our lats are your biggest upper body/back muscle. The origin and insertion points of the latissimus dorsi can be seen here. Posterior … Read more

Movement Monday – Front Squat

woman lifting

“This week for ‘Movement Monday the day we break down the details of a specific lift we are bringing you the front squat. As with all barbell exercises this one requires some time and attention working on the technique. Its often under-utilised in your commercial gyms predominately because it requires leaving the ego at the … Read more